
The following structures are available globally.

  • A wrapper which will contain the decoded T instance, if one was successfully decoded; otherwise nil. OptionalResponseType is useful for when you have a request which may or may not return the expected JSON structure. For example, fetching a mythical UserDetails JSON for a user who does not exist, but for reason - unbeknownst to us - the server return no JSON instead of a 404.


    struct UserDetails {
        var mothersMaidenName: String
        var lovesTheDentist: Bool
    struct UserDetailsRequest: Codable {
        var userId: Int
    extension UserDetailsRequest: Interceptable, Gettable {
        typealias ResponseType = OptionalResponseType<UserDetails>
        var path: String = "/some/api/path"
    UserDetailsRequest(userId: 42).submit() { result in
        if case let Result.success(optionalUserDetails) = result {
            let userDetails = optionalUserDetails.instance

    See more



    public struct OptionalResponseType<T>: Decodable where T: Decodable